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- Appearance: Red, black, white, the whole evil-"shaggy" deal. He's a tabby mostly, with very long fur. 'Macavity's a ginger Cat, he's very tall and thin. You would know him if you saw him for his eyes are sunken in...'
- Aliases: the Hidden Paw, the Napoleon of Crime, Mac, Maccy
- Age: Tom - 34 (human age)
- Talents: He can disappear at will, and has a bone-chilling laugh. Mac's pretty good with electronics, too! He's a natural-born leader - see the strays?
- Personality: I don't believe for one second that Macavity's as evil as they say he is! He has feelings, too, he just got stuck in a job he can't get out of!
- "Musical" Family: none
- 'Net Family (known): Calamity (twin sister)
- Best Friend:
- Enemies: Jelliclesp>
- Ranking: the Napoleon of Crime
I personally believe that Macavity isn't as evil as he's cracked up to be. My fanfic states that he was adopted by Firefrorfiddle and MADE to be evil. And his mate will probably be Demeter, although she's so paranoid, I think she likes him.
Disclaimer: These are my opinions. I don't mean to offend anyone by them, and you shouldn't be offended by them, because they might not directly reflect the character from the movie.
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