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- Appearance: You can never see him very clearly, but he's a brown Cat with faint tabby stripes.
- Aliases: Adam, 'Metus
- Age: Tom - 36 (human age)
- Talents: He obviously has a close relation to the Rumpus Cat, but not a good one. They might be rivals, both chasing Pollicles.
- Personality: He's one of the shy Cats, not wanting to make a big impression, but he has emotional opinions on nearly everything (as evinced by his facial expressions)
- "Musical" Family: none...
- 'Net Family (known): none
- Mate: I wouldn't think any, though he gets paired off in fics.
- Best Friend: Er... um...
- Enemies: Rumpus, Pollicles!
- Ranking: Face-Maker
By catcastle
admetus is a very funny cat and just grown up. i think he is deeply in love with victoria, but now there's nothing going on between the two of them. his best friend is plato, they're unseperatable and closer than any other toms of the tribe. i really like his expressions and he is just a cute little guy.
Hey, look! Sia has an
Admetus Appreciation section on her site!

Disclaimer: These are my opinions. I don't mean to offend anyone by them, and you shouldn't be offended by them, because they might not directly reflect the character from the movie.
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