Chocolate Frenzy by Mevima --- Author's Notes: This story was inspired by my love of chocolate and one of Rio's fics, 'To the Rescue'... anyway, credit goes to Ri for the inspiration, and to Gin and Ahd for the inspiration for THAT fic. *g* --- "Nnnnnnnooooooooo!!!!" came a scream from the other room, bringing Jellylorum running. She came upon one of her kittens on her knees, in front of a pulled-up floorboard with her head in her paws. "What the - " Jelly began, but was cut off by Mevima spinning around, jumping across the room, and nearly throwing her to the floor. Face to face, the almost-grown kitten stared at her mother, shaking with what looked like anger. After a tense moment, Jellylorum tried again. "What's wrong?" Mev glared at her, "How can you not know?!" She gestured to the empty space under the floorboard. "It's gone! Missing! All of my chocolate, VANISHED into nowhere!!! I'll bet I know what happened. Pouncival took it. He's always wanted my chocolate, I'm going to go out there and MAKE him give it back!" The enraged kit stalked out the door before her mother could say another word. "POUNCIVAL!!!!!" Mevima shrieked, racing across the Junkyard and pouncing on him, sending him crashing to the ground to stare up at her in confusion. Tumblebrutus, who had been playing hide and seek with his brother, peeked out from behind the car. "What... what do you want, Mevvie?" the pinned tabby asked slowly. "You know JUST what!" the calico replied, "WHERE's my CHOCOLATE?!?!" "Your.. chocolate? But I didn't - " Mevima cut him off with a dangerous growl. "I NEED my chocolate. Give it to me." Across the Junkyard, Etcetera squeaked and quickly cleaned the brown, sweet-tasting stuff off of her mouth. She looked at the near-empty bag sitting at her paws, out at the menacing form of her friend, and back at the bag. Oops. Tumble emerged from his hiding place, but still didn't dare to go near Mevima. "Um... he didn't take it... he's been playin' with me, Mev." Her burning eyes were turned on the other young Tom, who cringed. Finally, she got off of Pounce, subtly kicking him in the side. "Then where IS it?!?! It's not where it's supposed to be, not even the BAG is there, so SOMEONE must have stolen it!" She glared back at Pouncival, who had gotten to his paws. Suddenly, a bag came bumping across the ground. All eyes turned towards it, and Mevima cautiously sniffed the air... then went barrelling for it. "CHOCOLATE!!!!!!" she shrieked, pouncing on it and ripping it open. She didn't even notice how little there was, just swallowed it all. Hm... have to remember to get more from Jemima, she thought to herself. The world swirled back into conscious view as the chocolate enzymes went throughout her bloodstream, and into her brain. Mev grinned around at the rest of the Junkyard, picked up the empty bag, and pranced off, chanting softly, "Chocolate, chocolate, chocolate, chocolate..." "That was close," Etcy whispered to herself. "She didn't even look to see who it was..." The tiny tabby kitten crept out and trotted up to Jellylorum, who was still gazing after Mevima in confusion. "What's happening?" she grinned. The other three Cats within range turned their heads to stare at her, then hesitantly, Pouncival whispered, "A chocoholic..."