Little Kitty Rum Tum
By Bustopher Jones and Genghis

Little Kitty Rum Tum dancing through the junkyard, picking up the jellicle queens and breaking all their hearts.

And Doown came the Cat Fairy and she said: Little Kitty Rum Tum I don't want to see you picking up the jellicle queens and breaking all their hearts.

I'll give you three chances and if you don't behave I'll turn you into a neuter.

The Next Day: Little Kitty Rum Tum dancing through the junkyard, picking up the jellicle queens and breaking all their hearts.

And Doown came the Cat Fairy and she said: Little Kitty Rum Tum I don't want to see you picking up the jellicle queens and breaking all their hearts.

I'll give you two more chances and if you don't behave I'll turn you into a neuter.

The Next Day: Little Kitty Rum Tum dancing through the junkyard, picking up the jellicle queens and breaking all their hearts.

And Doown came the Cat Fairy and she said: Little Kitty Rum Tum I don't want to see you picking up the jellicle queens and breaking all their hearts.

I'll give you one more chance and if you don't behave I'll turn you into a neuter.

The Next Day: Little Kitty Rum Tum dancing through the junkyard, picking up the jellicle queens and breaking all their hearts.

And Doown came the Cat Fairy and she said: Little Kitty Rum Tum I don't want to see you picking up the jellicle queens and breaking all their hearts.

I gave you three chances and you didn't behave so now I have to turn you into a neuter. Poof you're a neuter.

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