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Kitty_Chat 9
by Calamity and Mevima

*BitchQueen has entered the room*
BitchQueen: Oh, where, oh where are the To-oms to seduce...
*TroubleKittn has entered the room*
BitchQueen: Ah! Here's one! *smirk*
TroubleKittn: *blink*
BitchQueen: Hello, you. *bats her eyelashes*
TroubleKittn: Uhh...hi?
BitchQueen: Hi! *jumps into his lap*
TroubleKittn: OOF! *looks at her strangely* who are you?
BitchQueen: I'm me. *smiles sweetly*
TroubleKittn: Umm..yeah..*looks around* Help?
BitchQueen: *pouts cutely* Don't you like me?
TroubleKittn: Hell, I don't even know who you are!
BitchQueen: Gasp! Language! Gotta love that.
TroubleKittn: *grins*
*Tumble_B has entered the room*
BitchQueen: Oooo..
BitchQueen: More Toms..
TroubleKittn: TUBMLE!! HELP!
Tumble_B: Err.. help what?
TroubleKittn: Get her off me!
Tumble_B: Who??
TroubleKittn: BitchQueen!
Tumble_B: What the...?
BitchQueen: *smiles innocently* I wasn't doing anything!
TroubleKittn: BS!!
BitchQueen: Language, sugar.. *g*
TroubleKittn: *groans* Save me from HER! *points to BQ*
Tumble_B: ...why?
TroubleKittn: She's scary!
BitchQueen: *pouts cutely*
Tumble_B: Can you actually do that?
BitchQueen: Yeah! It's rather easy.
Tumble_B: Weird.
TroubleKittn: Will you stop chatting and GET HER OFF ME?!
BitchQueen: But, _sugar_!
Tumble_B: What crawled up YOUR butt!
TroubleKittn: THAT! *points to BQ*
Tumble_B: *rolls his eyes*
BitchQueen: *pout* You're no fun. *jumps into Tumble's lap instead*
Tumble_B: !!!!
TroubleKittn: HA.
BitchQueen: *purrs*
Tumble_B: What the..!!
BitchQueen: Hello. *bats her eyelashes*
Tumble_B: This is NOT cool.
TroubleKittn: Toldja so..
*NotoriousTheif has entered the room*
Tumble_B: MUNGO!
BitchQueen: Oh, look, yet more Toms to sed - have fun with!
NotoriousThief: *RAE*
TroubleKittn: She's been driving us CRAZY!
BitchQueen: What fun. *grins*
NotoriousTheif: Uhhhhh...
Tumble_B: *points to BQ, who is in his LAP, and grimaces*
NotoriousTheif: I feel sorry for ya, buddy.
TroubleKittn: *edges away*
BitchQueen: *smirks, the center of attention*
Tumble_B: *pushes BQ off of him*
BitchQueen: Erk! *falls*
Tumble_B: *runs up the wall* DON'T LET HER GET ME!
NotoriousThief: How am I supposed to stop her?
TroubleKittn: YOU figure it out!
BitchQueen: *jumps up and snuggles Mungo instead*
NotoriousTheif: ACK!
BitchQueen: Those Toms rejected me. *sniffle*
Tumble_B: *shudders*
*HiddenPaw has entered the room*
BitchQueen: *waves cheerfully*
TroubleKittn: Eh-what?
HiddenPaw: *pause* I STILL HAVE THE BANANA!
Tumble_B: ???
BitchQueen: Why, you - *disattaches herself from Mungo and pounces Mac*
HiddenPaw: ERP! *hisses*
BitchQueen: *pins him*
TroubleKittn: CATFIGHT!
HiddenPaw: *looks up at her* THE SUN'LL COME OUT..TOMORROW...
Tumble_B: NOOOOOO!!!
BitchQueen: *rae*
HiddenPaw: *pushes her off and pins her*
BitchQueen: HEY! *bites at his nose*
HiddenPaw: *thwaps her...with his boa*
TroubleKittn: *blink* Boa?
BitchQueen: Grr!
HiddenPaw: My pretty PINK boa!
Tumble_B: Ack! *hides*
NotoriousTheif: AH! The insanity!
BitchQueen: *shoves him offa her and looks at Mungo* Oh, you're still there. *grins at him*
HiddenPaw: Don't get strung out...by the way I look *strikes a pose* Don't judge a book by it's cover!
BitchQueen: Oooo! FRANKIE!
Tumble_B: LOST!
TroubleKittn: That's it... one more move by HER and I'm outta here.
Tumble_B: Take me with you!
NotoriousThief: *gets frightened of Macavity*
HiddenPaw: I'm just a sweet Transvestite from transsexual, Transylvania!!
BitchQueen: *starts shaking her hips in time with the invisible music*
TroubleKittn: *shrieks*
HiddenPaw: *grooves* Why don't you stay for the night?
BitchQueen: Night!
NotoriousTheif: This is getting WEIRD.
Tumble_B: Tell me about it.
HiddenPaw: Or maybe a bite..
NotoriousTheif: REALLY weird.
BitchQueen: Bite! *snaps her teeth together*
HiddenPaw: I can show you my obsession, I've been making a tom...tan, with fur that's blond..and he's good for relieveing my....tension..
TroubleKittn: No more! AHHH!!!
HiddenPaw: *pouts* Unfortunately, he isn't HERE!!
*TroubleKittn has left the room*
Tumble_B: WAIT FOR ME!!!!!!!
*Tumble_B has left the room*
BitchQueen: And who is he, exactly? *rae*
NotoriousThief: EY!
HiddenPaw: *strikes a pose* My widdle Munkustrap...
NotoriousThief: Who ELSE would it be??
HiddenPaw: Humph.
*Munku2000 has entered the room*
BitchQueen: Ohh... maybe... Alonzo... *smirk*
HiddenPaw: MUNKUS! *jumps into his arms*
BitchQueen: _Speaking_ of Alonzo. *looks at Munk*
Munku2000: *looks surprised, then looks over at BQ* Vhat about Lonzo?
BitchQueen: *smirk* I _saw_ you..
NotoriousThief: *RAE*
Munku2000: *suspicious* Saw WHAT?
HiddenPaw: *RAE*
HiddenPaw: *jumps out and shakes Munk's shoulders* She saw what??
BitchQueen: You and "Lonz-ohhhh"... *smirk*
Munku2000: *gulp* *blushes madly*
HiddenPaw: *blinks* WAIT A MINUTE..
NotoriousThief: Eww..
HiddenPaw: Have you been CHEATING on me?!
Munku2000: Err..
HiddenPaw: SHAME. MINE.
*LonzoKitty has entered the room*
BitchQueen: *lol*
Munku2000: Aw, SHIT!
BitchQueen: Isn't this the day of coincidences!
HiddenPaw: *tackles Lonzo*
LonzoKitty: Erk! ::falls over::
Munku2000: Macavity! Alonzo!
BitchQueen: *laughs and watches*
HiddenPaw: MY Tom! MINE!
NotoriousThief: .......!
LonzoKitty: ::blink::
LonzoKitty: What are you talking about, Macav?
HiddenPaw: *points to Munku* MINE.
Munku2000: *puts his paws on his hips*
LonzoKitty: ...ohhhh... ::blush::
BitchQueen: Exactly.
HiddenPaw: MINE. You can't have him.
Munku2000: *POUTETH* Macavity!
HiddenPaw: What??
Munku2000: Stop that!
LonzoKitty: But!!!!!
BitchQueen: *munches on popcorn*
NotoriousTheif: *TOTALLY confuzled*
Munku2000: But...! You do! *crosses his arms over his chest*
LonzoKitty: Hey now..
HiddenPaw: I do not!
Munku2000: Do too! I saw you!
HiddenPaw: Really.
Munku2000: *nods*
LonzoKitty: Wait...::stands::
HiddenPaw: *RAE*
LonzoKitty: You and Munk are LOVERS?!
HiddenPaw: Yeah, so?
Munku2000: *sigh*
BitchQueen: They've been "LOVERS" for some time, you silly dolt!
LonzoKitty: ::looks at Munk in disgust::
BitchQueen: Pay more attention next time.
HiddenPaw: *snort*
Munku2000: *sheepish grin*
LonzoKitty: ::grabs Munk:: Find another tom!!
Munku2000: Erk!
HiddenPaw: What, you mean you didn't know?
LonzoKitty: Know that you two were lovers? NO!
BitchQueen: *short laugh* Why not?
LonzoKitty: ....cuz!
HiddenPaw: *evil giggles*
BitchQueen: Even I, the sweetest kitten in the Junkyard, could see that.
BitchQueen: .... *didn't mean to press enter there*
Munku2000: Bull..
BitchQueen: Stupid messed up... *slaps her computer*
HiddenPaw: Excuse me. *goes into a closet, laughs hysterically for a few minutes, and comes back out*
BitchQueen: :P
LonzoKitty: I have a feeling he's not laughing at you, BQ..
NotoriousThief: That's it. I'm outta here.
*NotoriousThief has left the room*
Munku2000: Mungojerrie went boom! KAPOW!
HiddenPaw: *RAE* Hyper, are you?
Munku2000: *explodes*
BitchQueen: oooo... *watches all the little pieces of Munkus rain down, then claims one for herself*
LonzoKitty: ::jumps up in the air, grabbing a piece of Munkus rain:: MINE!
HiddenPaw: HEYY!!!! No way is he yours! *grabs several*
LonzoKitty: NO FAIR! He's MY Tom! ::hisses::
HiddenPaw: He was MINE **FIRST**!
Munku2000: *floats about, listening to the quarrel*
BitchQueen: *snickers softly* *steals off with her piece of Munkus*
HiddenPaw: Wha--? HEY!! *races after BQ* GIVE ME THAT!!
BitchQueen: NO WAY!! *holds it out of reach* Mine now!
HiddenPaw: ARGH!!! *pounces her, stteals the Munkus piece, and prances off*
BitchQueen: Hey!!
LonzoKitty: ::has meanwhile gathered up the rest of Munkus::
Munku2000: *gets gathered up*
HiddenPaw: *WAIL* *sniffle* Munk's my Tom...and my Tom only...
LonzoKitty: ::sneer:: Since when?
HiddenPaw: Since I converted him. So Ni.
BitchQueen: *RAE* I don't think I want to know what you mean by "converted" him.
HiddenPaw: Good girl.
BitchQueen: :P
Munku2000: *GRIN*
LonzoKitty: ::begins to sneak out the door with his armload of Munkus::
HiddenPaw: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! *attacks Lonzo, stealing Munkus back*
Munku2000: *gets stealed*
LonzoKitty: ::hisses and wrestles his pieces out of Macavity's paws, taking Macavity's pieces in the process::
HiddenPaw: *wails loudly* *crumples to the floor, sobbing*
LonzoKitty: MINE.
Munku2000: *looks at the two Toms and can't decide which one to reach for*
HiddenPaw: *sobsob* My Munkustrap...you don't love him! I do! Not fair!! *cries*
LonzoKitty: Umm... well... I've GOT him!
HiddenPaw: But STILL!!
HiddenPaw: *WAIL* MY TOM!! MY MUNKUSTRAP!!! ARGH!! *launches at Lonzo, tackling him, sending him across the floor* *steals the Munku pieces*
BitchQueen: *LOL at that mental picture*
HiddenPaw: :P~~~~~~~~
Munku2000: AHHaaaHHHaaaHH!
LonzoKitty: What's so funny?
Munku2000: I wasn't laughing. I was wailing dramatically. AHHAaaaAAAaaaHHaaaaHHH!!
BitchQueen: *bwahahaha's* You're being ripped into tiny pieces and spread about the atmosphere!
Munku2000: AHAA--choo! *sneezes, and blows up*
HiddenPaw: AHH!! My Munkus!! *grabs all the little pieces and comforts them*
Munku2000: *blows up like a balloon* I feel like a blimp...*floats about*
HiddenPaw: *watches MunkusHoney float right up out of his paws* ...
BitchQueen: Hm. Must be full of hot air.
LonzoKitty: ::throws a pin at Munkus, wondering if he'll pop::
Munku2000: *BOOM!*
BitchQueen: OOOO... Munku pieces...
HiddenPaw: AIIIIIEEEEEE!!! BACK OFF, ZO! HE'S MINE AND MINE ONLY!! *grabs them all and puts them in his mouth*
LonzoKitty: ::POUT::
BitchQueen: *LOL* Eating Munkustrap, I see.
HiddenPaw: *makes a face dispite the Munkus pieces in his mouth*
HiddenPaw: *then gives her a silly look*
LonzoKitty: ::sniffle:: Fine, then... if you'd prefer a STRAY to me...
Munku2000: *bounces around in Macav's mouth* *gives him a Tic-Tac*
HiddenPaw: *confused look*
BitchQueen: *amused* Bad breath can really spoil a kiss, you know, Mac.
HiddenPaw: *GLARE*
Munku2000: *bounces about in his throat* Maca puke!
BitchQueen: *pries open his mouth* *yells into it* Go up his nose! Make him sneeze!
LonzoKitty: HEY! Are you IGNORING me?!
Munku2000: WHEEEEE!! *goes up Macav's nose*
HiddenPaw: AIIIEE...
Munku2000: *chants* Ignore Lonzo! Make Macav sneeze! KEERTY-CHOO!
LonzoKitty: GRRRR....
BitchQueen: Sneeze! Sneeze! Sneeeze! O_O Three e's...
HiddenPaw: *SNEEZES*
Munku2000: WHEEEEEEEEEE!!! *flies out Macca's nose* WHEEEE!! *sings* I'M FLYYYYIIIINNGGG!!
LonzoKitty: ....ew.
BitchQueen: BWAHAHHAHA!!! Land on Lonzo!
Munku2000: AIIIEE! *lands in a nice blob on Lonzo's head*
HiddenPaw: *disgusted look*
LonzoKitty: ::shrieks like a Queen:: ::starts running about in circles:: Get it off, get it off!
Munku2000: *squish squish* I thought you likethed me, Lonzo!
HiddenPaw: *Queenish giggles* Alonzo screams like a Queen!
HiddenPaw: *pulls a Jemima that Misto told him about and imitates* GET TI OFF GET TI OFF GET TI OFF GET TI OFF!!
BitchQueen: HEY! To BOTH of those!
HiddenPaw: *evil cackle*
Munku2000: *splot sploooot* Huh?
BitchQueen: Uhh... n/m, Munk.
Munku2000: *threatens to sploot on her if she doesn't tell him*
BitchQueen: ARGH! *wraps herself in a Munku-proof rainjacket*
Munku2000: AIIIIIIEEE!! *rains Tugger on her*
BitchQueen: ....
HiddenPaw: Oy.
Munku2000: *rains again* *sploots off Lonzo and throws himself at the wall*
LonzoKitty: ::chants:: Watch out for that - uh - WALL!
Munku2000: *SPLAT!*
HiddenPaw: *pouts* Cinnamin bun tis a cinnamin pancake. *GRIN*
BitchQueen: Munk, Munk, Munk of the Junkyard... squishy as he can be...
LonzoKitty: ::blinks blankly at Macavity::
Munku2000: *hysterical laugh*
HiddenPaw: *GRIN*
BitchQueen: Dost that not mean that we need to pry him off the wall like a human cartoon now?
HiddenPaw: SI! *grabs a huge thingymagig to get him off*
Munku2000: Is it sharp? Will it hurt?! WILL I BE IN IMMENSE PHYSICAL PAIN?!?
HiddenPaw: ...you never know...but it'll turn your tummy green!
Munku2000: OOOOO!!! Cool!!
LonzoKitty: ::POUT::
BitchQueen: What do you want?
LonzoKitty: You guys are ignoring me...AGAIN!
HiddenPaw: ...so?
LonzoKitty: GRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!
BitchQueen: *blinks blankly at him* I don't see a problem.
Munku2000: *is still stuck to the wall* No problem, nope nope. *tries to peel off* Lonzo! BOOM!
LonzoKitty: Ack! ::gets blown up::
Munku2000: YAY!
LonzoKitty: ::growl:: That's it, I'm outta here...
HiddenPaw: Pourqoui?
LonzoKitty: What?
BitchQueen: *rolls eyes* He asked why.
HiddenPaw: Duhism.
LonzoKitty: Because I'm UNDERAPPRECIATED! ::sob::
Munku2000: *blink* What was the word again?
LonzoKitty: YOU DON'T LOVE ME!!
HiddenPaw: Oh boy, here we go again...
BitchQueen: *settles down to watch* *decides she loves chaos*
Munku2000: That isn't true!
LonzoKitty: Then why are you paying all your attention to Macavity?!
Munku2000: ....
HiddenPaw: *kittenishly* He likes me BETTER!
LonzoKitty: ::sobsob::
Munku2000: *whines, does't know what to do*
BitchQueen: *munches popcorn*
HiddenPaw: *prances about happily*
Munku2000: *raspberry* You're being a lot of help.
HiddenPaw: Aren't I though?
HiddenPaw: *silly grin*
LonzoKitty: HMPH.
*LonzoKitty has left the room in a huff*
HiddenPaw: FINE THEN!!!
BitchQueen: *glances around* What, no more action?
Munku2000: Guess not.
BitchQueen: ...so whadda you wanna do?
Munku2000: *shrugs* *is burnt out*
HiddenPaw: *yaaaawn*
Munku2000: *yells into the tire* SHAADAP, TUGGER!
HiddenPaw: *giggle*
Munku2000: ACK!! *gets pushed off*
HiddenPaw: Munkus got PUSHED?! Why, I oughta - !
Munku2000: HEYA, ALL! Tugger here!
HiddenPaw: *whines* Put Munkus back on!!
Munku2000: Why?
BitchQueen: Coz he misses his lover. *smirk*
Munku2000: Aw, you miss Munkus already? Poor baby.
HiddenPaw: *sniffles* Please?
Munku2000: *giggles at Munkus* He's mad at meeeeee!!
Munku2000: He's over in the corner. *feels proud*
BitchQueen: Aw, c'mon, Tug. Put him back on... for me? *looks sexy*
Munku2000: No way!
BitchQueen: Why not?
BitchQueen: *POUTETH*
Munku2000: Because!
BitchQueen: *steals Sillabub eyes and bats them at Tug*
Munku2000: I DUN WANNA!!! *pushes Munkus out the door*
HiddenPaw: *screams*
Munku2000: *takes over*
Munku2000: AHHHHH!! MUNKU's MAD!!
BitchQueen: Ohhh? *perks up*
Munku2000: *frightened* eep! *scurries off*
HiddenPaw: *bliiiiiinketh*
Munku2000: *SIGH* Munkus here. And do you know what stinks? I GTG!
Munku2000: I sorrry!
HiddenPaw: *sniffle* It's okay... just leave me alone with a crazy kitten....
Munku2000: I love you!
*Munku2000 has left the room*
HiddenPaw: WAHHHHH!!!!!
BitchQueen: *cute smile*
HiddenPaw: *realizes who he's been left with* *SHRIEK*
BitchQueen: Hey, darling..
HiddenPaw: NO WAY, kit!
BitchQueen: *scoots closer*
HiddenPaw: Not only are you underage, I'm PERFECTLY HAPPY with my Tom!
BitchQueen: *POUT*
HiddenPaw: Tis true, you can't deny it.
BitchQueen: *turns away*
HiddenPaw: Vhaaat?
BitchQueen: You no fun!
HiddenPaw: How dare you say that to me?!
BitchQueen: *sniff*
HiddenPaw: *folds his paws (into a pretzel)*
BitchQueen: *sniffle*
*BitchQueen has left the room*
HiddenPaw: *yelleth after her* WELL, TIS TRUE!
HiddenPaw: *nods* Yes, tis true.
HiddenPaw: I just said that.
HiddenPaw: DID NOT!
HiddenPaw: Did TOO!!
HiddenPaw: Wanna bet?
HiddenPaw: Yeah, sure... how much?
HiddenPaw: Two Catnip mice!
HiddenPaw: Macca yelling at himself... silly Macca... but Macca gtg now...
HiddenPaw: Byebye Macca!
HiddenPaw: Byyyyyeeee!
*HiddenPaw has left the room*
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