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Kitty_Chat 7
by Mevima

*NotoriousThief has entered the room*
NotoriousThief: *looks around* Halloooo!
NotoriousThief: HMPH.
NotoriousThief: *yells* IS ANYONE OUT THERE?!?!
NotoriousThief: *sits down to sulk*
NotoriousThief: At this point, I'd even talk to BitchQueen...
*HiddenPaw has entered the room*
NotoriousThief: *rolls his eyes* Mac, have you been taking catnip again?
HiddenPaw: *grabs yer eyes and eateth them* What makes you say that?
NotoriousThief: ....oh, nothing...
HiddenPaw: *bounds around the room* Guess what, guess what, guess what!!
NotoriousThief: I'm afraid to.
HiddenPaw: DO IT ANYWAY!!
HiddenPaw: OR ELSE!!
NotoriousThief: *rae* Fine. I guess... that you're going to be blown to smithereens in about three and a half minutes.
HiddenPaw: Nuh-uh! Beepers! Wrong!
NotoriousThief: *sigh* So what is it, Macavity?
HiddenPaw: I'm wearing a tube top!
NotoriousThief: ....
NotoriousThief: And where did you get a tube top?
HiddenPaw: Munkus gave it to me!
NotoriousThief: Why would he do that?
HiddenPaw: Because he woooooves me!
NotoriousThief: .......uhhh-huh..
HiddenPaw: *POUTETH* He does!
*CutelyMagical has entered the room*
CutelyMagical: Heya!
HiddenPaw: Mistooo! *pounce*
CutelyMagical: AHHH!!
NotoriousThief: Careful, 'Sto, he's forgotten his medication again!
HiddenPaw: I HAVE NOT!
NotoriousThief: Yer sure ACTING like it!
CutelyMagical: *looks up at Mac* ...Get off?
CutelyMagical: This looks really bad, you know.
HiddenPaw: *blink* Why, so it does. HAHAHHAA!!!
NotoriousThief: Yep. He's forgotten his medication all right. Either that or he's high on catnip.
CutelyMagical: Isn't he _always_ high on catnip?
NotoriousThief: Well.. yeah...
HiddenPaw: That's not my fault!!
NotoriousThief: Oh really.
HiddenPaw: It isn't! I swear!
CutelyMagical: *changes his voice to be deeeeeep and ooooooominous* So... if it isn't YOUR fault... whose is it?!
NotoriousThief: ........I believe you.
CutelyMagical: Yeah... you just keep listening to those voices...
HiddenPaw: Well... well... so??
NotoriousThief: So... I'm outta here before you corrupt me.
CutelyMagical: Bye!
*NotoriousThief has left the room*
HiddenPaw: *prances around in his tube top*
CutelyMagical: Okay, WHY do you have a tube top on?
HiddenPaw: Because Munkustrap loves me!
CutelyMagical: ....
HiddenPaw: *pulls the tube top down over his knees and falls over*
CutelyMagical: *looks at Mac wriggling on the floor* You look... like a big piece of macaroni.
*TroubleKittn has entered the room*
HiddenPaw: *giggles madly* Heyyo, Pouncival!
TroubleKittn: High again?
HiddenPaw: No, I'm on the floor.
TroubleKittn: *RAE*
CutelyMagical: He's pretending to be a piece of macaroni.
HiddenPaw: I AM NOT!
CutelyMagical: Yes you are.
HiddenPaw: I'm just stuck in this tube top...
TroubleKittn: Why, pray tell, are you wearing a tube top?
HiddenPaw: Munkus gave it to me! And it's stuck over my knees!
TroubleKittn: I'm afraid to ask.
CutelyMagical: And rightly so..
HiddenPaw: *wriggles around on the floor*
TroubleKittn: Hmm... Maccaroni?
CutelyMagical: Exactly!
TroubleKittn: A new snack product from Evil Overlord Foods, Ltd.!
HiddenPaw: EY! I'm not an evil overlord!
CutelyMagical: *rae*
HiddenPaw: I'm an evil CATNIPPED overlord.
TroubleKittn: So you ARE high.
HiddenPaw: I AM NO - okay, I am. So??
CutelyMagical: Hey... if Macavity's a snack... *gets an evil idea*
TroubleKittn: Whatwhat?
HiddenPaw: *blissfully unaware*
CutelyMagical: *smirks and leaves to get someone*
*CutelyMagical has left the room*
TroubleKittn: *grumbles that he wouldn't even tell his plan*
HiddenPaw: *wriggle wriggle*
HiddenPaw: *amuses himself by gnawing on the edges of the tube top*
TroubleKittn: Yer gonna unravel it.
HiddenPaw: So?
TroubleKittn: You won't be able to be Maccaroni anymore.
TroubleKittn: De-ni-al!
*CutelyMagical has entered the room*
TroubleKittn: *sarcasm* Back so soon?
CutelyMagical: Aw, shaddap. *waits*
HiddenPaw: *RAE*
*Munku2000 has entered the room*
HiddenPaw: Eep!
Munku2000: A piece of Maccaroni, eh? *smirks at Macavity*
HiddenPaw: *wail* I'm not a snack food!
TroubleKittn: You are too.
CutelyMagical: *sits back to watch the amusements*
Munku2000: Aww... if you're NOT a snack...
HiddenPaw: *blink*
Munku2000: *waggles his eyebrows*
TroubleKittn: *rolls his eyes*
HiddenPaw: But... but... I...!!
HiddenPaw: NO FAIR!
Munku2000: *adopts an accent* Life's not fair, is it? I shall never be king, and you - you shall never see the light of another day... hmm... wrong movie...
HiddenPaw: If I'm not a snack, I'm stuck here forever... if I AM a snack, I get to have fun, and prolly will be let out of this tube-top-slash-straightjacket.... decisions, decisions...
CutelyMagical: *laugh* Oh, yes, there's a tough choice.
HiddenPaw: *wail* But I don't WANT to be a food product!
Munku2000: Yer so cuuute as Maccaroni though..
HiddenPaw: *grumbles*
TroubleKittn: *is pounced!* AHH!! TUMBLEBRUTUS, I'M GOING TO GET YOU FOR THAT!!!
*TroubleKittn has left the room*
HiddenPaw: *wriggle wriggle*
Munku2000: *pretends to faint at the sight of moving Maccaroni*
CutelyMagical: *giggles madly*
HiddenPaw: Get me out of here! *wriggle*
Munku2000: What, you don't like the tube top I got you?
HiddenPaw: I don't like it when it's holding me hard enough to squeeze the life out of the thinnest Queen! It's got a life of it's own, I swear!
CutelyMagical: *looks innocent*
HiddenPaw: What - MISTO!!!!
CutelyMagical: Eep!
Munku2000: *LOL*
HiddenPaw: MACAVITY THE CHRISTMAS TREE - wait... that was last time... I'm a snack product this time.
CutelyMagical: *snicker*
HiddenPaw: Why does this always happen to ME?!
Munku2000: Because it's so CONVENIENT!
HiddenPaw: Grr! *tries to pounce Munk, but only manages in doing a little leap across the floor, still on his stomach and wrapped in the tube top*
CutelyMagical: Well, I've gotta go, Toms - Etc's annoying.
CutelyMagical: *listens to Etcy yell at him in the background*
Munku2000: *L* Bye, 'Lees.
HiddenPaw: Buh-bye!
*CutelyMagical has left the room*
Munku2000: Why are we the ones always left alone in the room?
HiddenPaw: *shrug* Calamity and Mevima must like us.
Munku2000: ....who?
HiddenPaw: The Powers above who do this to me.
Munku2000: *BLINKETH* What in Heavyside are you talking about?
HiddenPaw: Never mind. You'd not get it.
Munku2000: Mac!
Munku2000: Erk - brb
HiddenPaw: What? okay..
HiddenPaw: *hums, doing a little wriggle-dance on the floor*
HiddenPaw: *wait wait wait*
HiddenPaw: MUNNKUUUUU!!!
Munku2000: Back!
HiddenPaw: Where were you?
Munku2000: Uhh.. you don't want to know.
HiddenPaw: *RAE*
HiddenPaw: Never mind... I think I don't want to know...
Munku2000: Knew you'd see it my way.
HiddenPaw: ARGH! The responsibilities of an evil catnipped overlord slash Maccaroni!
Munku2000: Whaaa'?
HiddenPaw: Stupid henchCats. Gotta go plan world domination!
HiddenPaw: *wriggles out the door*
*HiddenPaw has left the room*
Munku2000: What was that all about?
Munku2000: Ahh... an empty, quiet chatroom for once.
Munku2000: *glances at Lonz and wonders if he's recovered yet*
Munku2000: Bwahaha... to think Mac doesn't know anything about it...
*Munku2000 has left the room*
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