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Kitty_Chat 5
by Calamity

2Hot2Handle has entered the room*
2Hot2Handle: Ello? Anyone here?
2Hot2Handle: ANYONE?
2Hot2Handle: Fine…just be that way. *sniffle*
*Munku2000 has entered the room*
2Hot2Handle: Joyful fun. Munkustrap.
Munku2000: Egh. Tugger.
2Hot2Handle: *rolls his eyes*
*HiddenPaw has entered the room*
Munku2000: Oh my gosh…*backs away*
HiddenPaw: *GASP*
Munku2000: *points* It's a Macavity! *GASP*
HiddenPaw: REALLY?! *jumps five feet in the air*
2Hot2Handle: ??????
HiddenPaw: You know what? *looks around fearfully*
Munku2000: *whispers* What?
HiddenPaw: *points* It's a Munkustrap! *backs away*
Munku2000: OMG!! *puts a paw over his mouth* I did not know that.
HiddenPaw: Tis true.
Munku2000: Wow. *blinks*
HiddenPaw: *nods* I'm feeling pretty.
Munku2000: I feel ditzy.
2Hot2Handle: ummmm…
Munku2000: *dances around in a tutu*
HiddenPaw: *runs around in cirlces*
Munku2000: *grabs Macavity by the scruff of the neck and dances around with him*
Munku2000: I'm singing in the rain, just singing in the rain!
HiddenPaw: NONONONO!
Munku2000: *stares at him*
HiddenPaw: *taps him on the head with a wand* I am Glinda! And you are now a shrub!
Munku2000: A SHRUB?
HiddenPaw: Yes, a shrub!
Munku2000: I am highly insulted.
HiddenPaw: Vhy?
Munku2000: I'm supposed to be a poking shrub! HOW DARE YOU.
HiddenPaw: *cowers*
Munku2000: *whimpers* I am supposed to be a poking shrub! *turns him into a newt*
2Hot2Handle: AH! THE INSANITY!
HiddenPaw: *crawls up Tugger's leg*
2Hot2Handle: AH! *swipes at Mac*
HiddenPaw: *bites his finger* You must not swipe at the o so powerful Macavity the newt!
Munku2000: *flutters about in a grass skirt and coconuts*
2Hot2Handle: *whimpers* Help me…
Munku2000: *pins Tugger down and starts putting lipstick on him*
HiddenPaw: OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO…*pounces Tugger and dresses him in a very tight little skirt*
HiddenPaw: You must feel pretty, Tugger. *slaps a wig on him*
Munku2000: *dresses him in purdy clothes*
2Hot2Handle: ACK!
HiddenPaw: *looks at the dresses, puts one on, and struts about*
2Hot2Handle: *slinks off*
HiddenPaw: *grabs him and sits on his lap* Hiya, sweetie.
Munku2000: *POUT*
HiddenPaw: Oh, cool it, sugar.
2Hot2Handle: No…
HiddenPaw: *pinches Tugger's cheek*
2Hot2Handle: OFF WITH YOU!
Munku2000: Macavity! SHAME.
Munku2000: Hitting on me bro isn't cool.
2Hot2Handle: I thought..
HiddenPaw: Can't help it if you're both cute! *claps a paw over his mouth* Did I say that?
Munku2000: *bats his eyelashes*
2Hot2Handle: ……
HiddenPaw: *turns 9 shades of red* Can't help it if Munku has a tight butt…
Munku2000: HEARD THAT!
2Hot2Handle: This is getting weird…
HiddenPaw: It's a thing called insanity, Tugger.
Munku2000: You really think so, Macavity? *examines his behind*
HiddenPaw: *falls over dead*
2Hot2Handle: Ding dong the witch is dead!
HiddenPaw: I am not a witch! They dressed me up to look like one!
Munku2000: *LOL* Is that true?
2Hot2Handle: No! We just did the wig. *pause* And the clothes. *pause* And the nose, too…
HiddenPaw: I had my nose done years ago.
Munku2000: Really? Looks good.
HiddenPaw: *blush*
2Hot2Handle: Okee. Macavity and Munkustrap are flirting with each other. Can you say ICK?
HiddenPaw: *raspberries Tugger*
Munku2000: You're just jealous.
2Hot2Handle: Of what?
Munku2000: That I have Macavity and you don't.
2Hot2Handle: *bursts out laughing* I don't want him!
HiddenPaw: *strikes a pose*
HiddenPaw: You cannot defeat my beautifulness.
2Hot2Handle: Is that a word?
HiddenPaw: It is now.
2Hot2Handle: *rolls his eyes, and starts to wander away*
Munku2000: Halt! *holds Tugger back*
2Hot2Handle: Let me pass! *swipes at him*
Munku2000: NEVER! *holds him back with one paw*
2Hot2Handle: *tries to get to him, flinging his arms all around*
HiddenPaw: *LOL*
2Hot2Handle: *grunts* I'll get you!
Munku2000: *yawn*
HiddenPaw: *sings* Dance 10; Looks 3, and I'm still on unemployment…
Munku2000: I LOVE THAT SONG!! *drops Tugger*
2Hot2Handle: OOF! *goes splat*
HiddenPaw: Ewwwwwwwwwww…
Munku2000: *makes a face* Gotta go, kitties..
HiddenPaw: NOOOOOOOOO!! *latches onto his leg*
Munku2000: Meet you by the tire, hun. *winks*
HiddenPaw: *brightens* I'll be there.
*Munku2000 has left the room*
2Hot2Handle: Yo, Macavity, be nice.
HiddenPaw: *whistles innocently*
*HiddenPaw has left the room*
2Hot2Handle: Mem'ry, of my days in the chatroom…watching all the insanity…watching the sanity go booom..
2Hot2Handle: WAAAAIT…sanity isn't a word.
2Hot2Handle: Ah, well.
2Hot2Handle: Might as well leave. Make sure Munk and Macav aren't having TOO much fun. *shudders*
*2Hot2Handle has left the room*
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