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Kitty_Chat 11
by Calamity

*Fat_Kitty has entered the room*
Fat_Kitty: *can't fit through the chatroom doors*
Fat_Kitty: Eerf…gotta cut down on those Krispy Kremes..
Fat_Kitty: *looks about* Anyone here?
*PsychicFemme has entered the room*
PsychicFemme: Get stuck in the chatroom doors again, Bustopher?
Fat_Kitty: Oh, you be quiet.
PsychicFemme: *grins*
Fat_Kitty: *hmphs*
*LonzoKitty has entered the room*
LonzoKitty: ::threatens all with a squeegee::
Fat_Kitty: Oh my…you put that down!
PsychicFemme: Alonzo, put down the squeegee…
LonzoKitty: ::hisses, shaking it at Tant:: I'll do it…take one more step and I'll do it.
Fat_Kitty: *falls*
LonzoKitty: AHHHHH!! ::lunges at BJ, squeegeeing down his fur::
PsychicFemme: *LOL*
LonzoKitty: ::dumps green juice all over BJ, then squeegees more::
LonzoKitty: ::giggles madly::
Fat_Kitty: *wails* And I just got my coat done!
LonzoKitty: What a loss.
Fat_Kitty: *shakes his spoon at him*
PsychicFemme: *giggles* Better put that down before you hurt somebody.
Fat_Kitty: *takes his spoon and boots Zo over the Heavyside Layer*
LonzoKitty: AHHHHHHHHH!! ::lands somewhere unknown:: Cool…
PsychicFemme: What?
LonzoKitty: I found an ancient jellybean!
Fat_Kitty: WHAT FLAVOR?!
LonzoKitty: ::tastes:: Ewwww…it's hairball flavor.
Fat_Kitty: *takes it from Zo and eats it*
PsychicFemme: *disgusted look*
Fat_Kitty: Mmmm...
LonzoKitty: ::gets ready to hock up a hairball himself:: ::does so, all over the chatroom floor::
Fat_Kitty: EW.
*The chatroom is not pleased. Clean that up, Alonzo*
LonzoKitty: ::BLINK:: ACK!! THE CHATROOM TALKS!! ::immediately cleans up the mess he made::
*Thank you*
Fat_Kitty: Umm..
PsychicFemme: And that was…?
*PearlFiend has entered the room*
PsychicFemme: Tough day at the groomers, Rumpel?
PearlFiend: Oh, ve uqeit.
PsychicFemme: *grins* I just love that new look.
PearlFiend: 8ishss*
Fat_Kitty: Rumpelteazer, do us all a favor and get some typing lessons!
PearlFiend: *tttypes sloower* Betre?
Fat_Kitty: Somewhat.
LonzoKitty: So what's the new style?
PsychicFemme: Big, fuzzy, poofy hair.
LonzoKitty: Hmm…Mac knows how to get that style perfect.
PearlFiend: Oooh?
*HiddenPaw has entered the room*
LonzoKitty: We were just talking about you!
HiddenPaw: …joy…?
PsychicFemme: Rumpel wants the fuzzy sticking out hair look.
HiddenPaw: Stick your paws in an electric socket.
Fat_Kitty: *L*
HiddenPaw: It works; really!! How else would I be able to get my dazzling hairstyle?!
PearlFiend: Otn punnmy!!
HiddenPaw: *grins* Hey, BJ…
Fat_Kitty: Yes?
HiddenPaw: The kittens still using your stomach as a trampoline?
Fat_Kitty: MACAVITY!
HiddenPaw: *innocent look*
PsychicFemme: *examines that look*
LonzoKitty: ::blank stare::
PearlFiend: *loks to see Bobmularian comeing in* Latre!
*PearlFiend has left the room*
HiddenPaw: *bursts out laughing* BOBMULARIAN!! *ROFLMAO*
PsychicFemme: *RAE*
LonzoKitty: You poor, lost kit.
HiddenPaw: *blink*
Fat_Kitty: Macavity's poor?
HiddenPaw: *wail*
PsychicFemme: *shakes head*
HiddenPaw: *goes and sits in a dark corner, facing the wall*
LonzoKitty: Now what's your problem?
HiddenPaw: *SNIFF*
PsychicFemme: Aw, poor kit…
HiddenPaw: You know I hate it when you read my mind.
PsychicFemme: That's exactly why I do it, Mac.
Fat_Kitty: *stuffs himself with donuts*
HiddenPaw: I swear, that Cat is gonna eat the world someday…I can see it now…
EXTRA! EXTRA! Fat Cat Eats World! Dips Universe In Chocolate Sauce! Garfield At Battle With Bustopher Jones! Who Is The Fattest Cat? Fat Cat Sits On People's Laps and Crushes Them! Not That We Cats Don't Care! Garfield and BJ Fight With 100 ft. Long Pizzas! BJ Eats Garfield! Fat Cat Explodes!
Fat_Kitty: WELL!
LonzoKitty: ::LOL::
PsychicFemme: *giggles madly*
HiddenPaw: O :-)
LonzoKitty: You wish.
HiddenPaw: Hmmm…*takes the halo, bites it in half, and places it on the sides of his head* *smiles sweetly*
PsychicFemme: Nut.
Fat_Kitty: *not pleased*
LonzoKitty: ::takes a red pen and doodles on BJ's stomach:: ::is able to fit the whole Junkyard on it::
HiddenPaw: *LOL*
LonzoKitty: ::including the Jellicle Tribe::
PsychicFemme: *admires* *pokes Macca*
HiddenPaw: *explodes*
LonzoKitty: OOOOOOOO…
*2Hot2Handle has entered the room*
2Hot2Handle: *takes his brand spankin' new electric guitar, turns it up HIGH, and hits a loud chord*
HiddenPaw: AHHHH!! *clings onto the puter for dear life*
LonzoKitty: THE SKY IS FALLING! ::wails::
PsychicFemme: *slaps her paws to her ears* ooh, my ears are ringing..
Fat_Kitty: *doesn't move*
2Hot2Handle: You're too fat to vibrate. :P
Fat_Kitty: Rum Tum Tugger!!
LonzoKitty: When somebody uses Tug's whole name, he's in trouble.
2Hot2Handle: Y-y-y-es?
Fat_Kitty: No more of that. Or else. I'll take it away.
2Hot2Handle: NOOOOOOOOOOO!! HE'LL PROLLY EAT IT!!! AND MUNKUS GAVE IT TO MEEEE!!! *clings to the guitar* *listens to Munk yell at him*
HiddenPaw: *LOL*
LonzoKitty: bout what?
2Hot2Handle: The noise.
HiddenPaw: Heeeeeeeyyyyy…
2Hot2Handle: Dun worry!! Munku's okay!!
PsychicFemme: Getting rather round.
HiddenPaw: But not as round as Bustopher over there.
Fat_Kitty: *hmph*
2Hot2Handle: Er…BRB.
HiddenPaw: HB!
LonzoKitty: What's HB?
PsychicFemme: Hurry Back.
HiddenPaw: Hurry Back.
Fat_Kitty: Hurry Back.
LonzoKitty: ::blink blink blink:: Okay, I get it!! So HB means Hairy Back?
HiddenPaw: Stupidity strikes again.
LonzoKitty: You shut up.
PsychicFemme: *makes weird noises with her tongue*
LonzoKitty: ::confuzed look::
HiddenPaw: She's trying to communicate with Bustopher's stomach.
HiddenPaw: *thinks, a VERY hard thing to do* ummmmm…no?
PsychicFemme: Whoa, since when can YOU think??
LonzoKitty: Thought it was hallow in there…
HiddenPaw: Oh, it is. *shows them his empty head* All I have is a gutterbrain. *evil grin*
Fat_Kitty: *sigh*
2Hot2Handle: Only slipping in for a bit! *white as a ghost* ERK!! BRB!!!!! *rushes*
LonzoKitty: ::blinketh::
HiddenPaw: Ummm…okee…
Fat_Kitty: Alonzo, you blink a lot.
LonzoKitty: ::blink blink blink blink blink blink blink blink blink blink blink blink:: ::blinks even more rapidly::
PsychicFemme: *sets her stopwatch*
LonzoKitty: ::his eyes fall out from blinking::
PsychicFemme: WHOA!!! 4,000,233,856,982,001 blinks in one second!!
HiddenPaw: OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO…*chases after Zo's eyes before Jones can eat them*
Fat_Kitty: Macavity, I'm warning you….
HiddenPaw: *puts them in his mouth, then looks up at the eyeless Lonzo with HUGE kitten eyes*
PsychicFemme: *LOL* *takes a picture of that*
LonzoKitty: MY eyes. Give them back.
HiddenPaw: *spits them out with a hairball onto 'Onzo's feet*
Fat_Kitty: Lovely, just lovely.
2Hot2Handle: *returns*
HiddenPaw: WB!!! *runs and squeezes Tug*
Fat_Kitty: Wb!
LonzoKitty: Heyas!
PsychicFemme: WB!
2Hot2Handle: Hey…*hugs back, then waves to all*
HiddenPaw: Where did you go?
2Hot2Handle: Ah, Munkus was just being himself. ;)
HiddenPaw: *sigh* False alarm?
2Hot2Handle: Si.
PsychicFemme: Oh my…
LonzoKitty: He's fine?
2Hot2Handle: Handy dandy. :P
HiddenPaw: Tis good.
PsychicFemme: *sticks her paws in an electric socket and watches her fur fly up*
2Hot2Handle: *bursts into song* I am electric, feel my attraction, feel my magnetism you will agree! I am electric, I have the contact, I am electric the future is me!
LonzoKitty: AC/DC it's okay by me! I can switch and change my frequency!
*ElectricKitten has entered the room*
2Hot2Handle: I am electric, mind how you touch me, I can shock you, set you on fire, I can reach up and pluck down the lightning, watch the conductor, see the live wire!!
HiddenPaw: *LOL*
ElectricKitten: Uhhh…
PsychicFemme: *laughs*
Fat_Kitty: Good timing, Electra!
ElectricKitten: I still don't understand why Electra is a guy in StEx!! *hmphness*
HiddenPaw: *dirty thoughts*
2Hot2Handle: *giggles madly*
*Munku2000 has entered the room*
Munku2000: HEY HEY HEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HiddenPaw: Munkus! Darlin!!
2Hot2Handle: Big bro!
Munku2000: Lil bro! Maccy!
PsychicFemme: Heard that you had a false alarm, Kus.
Munku2000: *nodeth* Tis right.
Munku2000: But everything okee now.
LonzoKitty: good!
*Fat_Kitty has left the room*
Munku2000: I LOVE KRISPY KREMES!!!!!
HiddenPaw: *giggles inanely*
LonzoKitty: :P
ElectricKitten: You guys are funny.
HiddenPaw: *sees newspaper; gets an idea*
LonzoKitty: ::takes Lectra and rubs her on his head::
ElectricKitten: HEY!!
LonzoKitty: OOO!! ::giggles as his hair poofs out:: Static Electricity!! Thanks, Electra!
ElectricKitten: *grins* Anytime! *shocks kitties*
HiddenPaw: *grabs Tug and dresses him in a plastic newspaper dress*
2Hot2Handle: …………
Munku2000: Oh dear…poor Tugg! *puts a nice bright pink bow at the top of his head*
2Hot2Handle: OO! *admires*
ElectricKitten: FUN!! *puts make up on Tugger* Glad Etc. not seeing this..
PsychicFemme: *dresses him in even more ribbons and bows*
LonzoKitty: *gives Tug a new hairstyle*
2Hot2Handle: I feel pretty, and so ditzy…
2Hot2Handle: *admires* Nonono, Electra…you go with turquoise, not blue.
ElectricKitten: OOPS! *changes it to neon blueish, greenish*
2Hot2Handle: Thank you.
HiddenPaw: *steps back to admire* Veddy pretty.
Munku2000: Munkus like. *takes a picture* Munku feels like embarrassing Tugger. *whips out his kitten book*
PsychicFemme: *huddles around Munkus* *pun not intended*
Munku2000: *raspberry*
ElectricKitten: *looks over his shoulder*
LonzoKitty: ::peeks at it::
2Hot2Handle: NOBODY LOOK!!
HiddenPaw: *looks at it* AWWWWWWWWW…
Munku2000: *goes to show Tug one pic*
PsychicFemme: Emeow some to me?
2Hot2Handle: Oh, I remember those pics…*squeals*
HiddenPaw: Which ones?
2Hot2Handle: Munkus and I…
ElectricKitten: I wanna see…
LonzoKitty: Ditto.
Munku2000: And Tug's kitten pictures. *grins* What's your addy, Tant?
PsychicFemme: Iknowwhatyourthinking@nosey.com
2Hot2Handle: Muuuuuuuunnkkuuuuussssssssssssssssssss…
Munku2000: *sends* Lec, Lonzo, your addies?
ElectricKitten: electraisnotaguy@cutekittens.com
LonzoKitty: Black_and_white_Tom_hunk@yeababy.com
HiddenPaw: *giggles*
Munku2000: Sent!
2Hot2Handle: *whines*
LonzoKitty: Mac, Munk, Tug, what's your addy? ::GRIN::
Munku2000: Munkustrapisthebest@silvertabbysrule.com
2Hot2Handle: DontmesswiththeTug@gottaloveme.com
HiddenPaw: bwahahahahahahaa@eviloverlord.com
LonzoKitty: ::sends stuff::
HiddenPaw: *ROFLMAO!!*
LonzoKitty: ::evil grin::
Munku2000: Cute…cute….
2Hot2Handle: LOOOOONNNZOOO!!!!!!!!!
LonzoKitty: GTG!
*LonzoKitty has left the room*
2Hot2Handle: I'll kill him…
PsychicFemme: *raspberries Corico* Silly twin can't get out from the wall.
ElectricKitten: I won't even ask.
*PsychicFemme has left the room*
ElectricKitten: Aw, MAN!! Everyone's leaving, including me!! Jelly's all mad..
Munku2000: Later!
*ElectricKitten has left the room*
2Hot2Handle: See ya!
2Hot2Handle: *grumble grumble*
HiddenPaw: *gives Munkus and Tugger new addies*
Munku2000: Hey….
HiddenPaw: Munkus is now Munkushasanicebutt@honeybun.com
Munku2000: HEY!
2Hot2Handle: *snicker*
HiddenPaw: And Tug is yeababy@sillytoms.com
2Hot2Handle: Ni.
HiddenPaw: It.
Munku2000: Ah, gotta go, kitties. Kittens fighting over space. ;)
2Hot2Handle: Okee, Munkus!! Later!!
HiddenPaw: Bye bye darlin!
Munku2000: Night nighty!
*Munku2000 has left the room*
HiddenPaw: Feel lucky…you're stuck with me.
2Hot2Handle: *runs for his life*
HiddenPaw: *WAIL*
2Hot2Handle: *slinks back*
HiddenPaw: *grins* *strokes Tug*
2Hot2Handle: *purr purr*
HiddenPaw: Good Tugger.
2Hot2Handle: Yes, good Tugger.
HiddenPaw: Tugger get to bed.
2Hot2Handle: Why?
HiddenPaw: Cuz Macavity said so.
2Hot2Handle: aww…night night. *waves*
HiddenPaw: Night night.
*2Hot2Handle has left the room*
HiddenPaw: *grins* Man, those two are so close…
HiddenPaw: *talks to himself* I mean, when Tug was a kitten, Munku was SO overprotective. 'Macavity, don't say that in front of Tugger!' 'Macavity, don't start.' 'Macavity, WOULD YOU QUIT THAT?!' 'Macav, you'll wake the kitten.'
HiddenPaw: But, hey, I taught that kit some things! Taught it how to swear wonderfully, flirt, dress like a Queen, dance…
HiddenPaw: And then I got Munkus to go to those clubs. Then brought Tug along. Musicals time!! I remember the first one we were in: 'Little Shop of Horrors'. Tug got Audrey II, I got Audrey, and Munks got Seymour. Weird! The best part was seeing Munk's face when Tug rehearsed 'Mean Green Mother from Outer Space'. MUNKUS GOT CUSSED OUT!! *LMAO*
HiddenPaw: *rambles on* Finally, after being friends with Munk since kittens, I got the nerve to ask him out. SO FUN!!! *cheers* Then we became mates, but he's also with Lonzo. *hmph*
HiddenPaw: Ah well. Kitteny kittens!
*Macavity, stop your ramblings and get to bed*
HiddenPaw: Why?
*I have to get to bed too, you know*
HiddenPaw: But…
*We'll talk more tomorrow, okay?*
HiddenPaw: *sigh* Alright. But thanks…
*No problem. Talk to me anytime*
HiddenPaw: *grins* Night.
*Good-night. Take care*
HiddenPaw: You too. And don't mind the insanity in your chatroom…
*I'll try not to*
*HiddenPaw has left the room*
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